Wildco Fieldmaster
Mighty Grab
¢º New design for more efficient sampling
Long lasting, corrosion resistant, stainless steel sediment
sampler. Includes a newly designed Mighty Grab sampler with 155m
x 180m (6.2?x 7? sampling area. Release mechanism is activated when
the sampler impacts the bottom, closing the sampler as it is raised
to the surface. Tightly fitting jaws hold the sample in during retrieval.
Also available in a kit with Mighty Grab, 20m of braided 3/16?line
on winding board and carring case. 7310-B12 Mighty
Grab Sampling Kit 15.0
7310-B15 Mighty Grab
Sampler 9.0 lb.

Stainless Steel Sampling Dredge
¢º Designed for use in sand or silt.
A simple trigger holds the sampler open while lowering and
automatically releases when the bottom is reached. A unique scissor
design closes sampler when lifted, obtaining a sediment sample which
can then be raised to the surface for analyis.
Constructed of stainless steel. Measures 71/2?x 51/2 224211 Dredge 4.0 lb.
Same basic Grab as the standard model.
but much lighter and designed for hand use.
Suggest using 5/8"or larger line.
Volume = 2.4 L; sample area
= 152 x 152 mm (6 x 6"; weight
= 6.8 kg (25 lb). Ponar weights,
listed above, also fit the
Petite Ponar. |

*Lighter than Standard Ponar
*Designed for Hand Line Operation
*Removable Top Screens, Slide type
*Self-Releasing Wildco Pinch-PinTM
*Heavy Duty Hinges for Heavy Duty Impact Work
Petite Ponar Grab : Assembled ; Optional Case.
1728-G30 Ponar Grab,
Petite, w/o Case
1728-G32 Ponar Grab,
Petite, w/Case
1728-G34 Ponar Grab,
Petite, Slide Screen, REPL
Aquatic Sampling Equipment
Hester-Dendy-Style Sampler
The Hester-Dendy sampler is now available in three different designs:
small, square plates, round plates, and large, square plates. The round
plate and large, square plate designs are approved by the US Geological
Survey, EPA and other groups for benthic macroinver-tebrate collection.
Plates and samplers in all designs are made of 1/8?smooth, tempered hardboard.
The eyebolt, washers, and wingnut are made of stainless steel for long
Artificial Substrate Samplers
Hester-Dendy Sampler, Square: Assembled, ready for use.
Bulk quantities are unassembled, but with all needed parts.
150-A10 Hester-Dendy Sampler, Square, Each
150-A15 Hester-Dendy Sampler, Square, PK/10
150-A20 Hester-Dendy Sampler, Square, PK/100
150-A25 Hester-Dendy Sampler, Square, Bulk, PK/250+
sepcify quantity)
Hester-Dendy Sampler, EPA Round : Assembled, ready for use. Bulk quantities
are unassembled, but with all needed parts.
150-A50 Hester-Dendy Sampler, EPA Round,
150-A55 Hester-Dendy Sampler, EPA Round, PK/10
150-A60 Hester-Dendy Sampler, EPA Round, PK/100
150-A65 Hester-Dendy Sampler, EPA Round, Bulk, PK/250+
sepcify quantity) |