WP-80D Waterproof Dual Channel
pH-mV-Temperature Meter
  pH와 mV를 위한 프로그램이 각각 2개의 채널로 분리

견고, 방수처리



실험실용으로 적합

150회 reading Notepad


RS232 Interface 부착가능

Multiple Power option

Australian 제작

AS/NZS/ISO 9001 인증
Ranges : 0 to 14.00 pH
Resolution : 0.01 pH
Accuracy : ±0.01pH

Ranges : 0 to ±500.0 & 0 to ±1500 mV
Resolution : 0.15 & 1 mV
Accuracy : ±0.3 & ±1 mV


Ranges : -10.0 to 120.0 ℃
Resolution : 0.1 ℃
Accuracy : ±0.2 ℃

Input Impedance
>3×1012 Ohms

Asymmetry Range

-1.00 to +1.00 pH

Slope Range

85.0 to 105.0 %

Temperature Compensation
0 to 100 ℃, automatic or manual. The WP-80
automatically detects whether or not the temperature
sensor is connected.

Automatic Buffer Recognition
4.00, 6.88, 7.00, 9.23 and 10.06 pH

Tough, anti-static Luran-S plastic case, waterproof
to IP67. Connectors waterproof to IP65.
The instrument will float if dropped into water.

32 Character alphanumeric LCD with user-friendly
menu system and full-text messages.

150 readings, including date and time.

Automatic Logging
User-for one reading every 1 to 90 seconds,
1 to 90 minutes or 1 to 24 hours.

RS232 Output(Optional)
300, 1200 and 9600 Baud.
8 Bits, No Parity, 1 stop Bit, XON/XOFF

24 Hour Calendar Clock

Battery Saver Function

On : Automatically switches off after 5 minutes
of no use.
Off : Unit remains on for continuous use.

Good Laboratory Practices
Date, time and results of last successful calibration
are stored, and can be recalled when required.
GLP information can be printed or downloaded to
PC when the optional RS232 Interface is fitetd.
Warning of failed calibration is provided.


187×110 ×51 mm

6V NiMH Rechargeable battery pack for approx 75
hours operation. Battery charger for country of
choice supplied. Battery can be charged from any
12V DC source.

Instrument only : Approx 440g
Full Kit : Approx 1.7kg

Temperature : 0 to 45 ℃
Humidity : 0 to 95% R.H.

  Ordering Information
                                                                     Part No
WP-80D Dual pH-mV-Temp……….121110

Kit Includes

Combination pH Sensor………………...121207
Temperature/ATC Sensor……………..121247
pH6.88 Buffer, 200ml…………………..121306
pH4.00 Buffer, 200ml…………………..121381
Battery Charger…………………………..Specify
WP-80 Handbook………………………..130050

Optional Sensors

IJ pH, 1m…………………………………..121234
(for meat, dairy, slurries etc)
Submersible pH, 5m…………………….111228
IJ ORP, 1m………………………………..121263

                                                                     Part No
Instrument Options

RS232 Serial Interface…..……………..130039
(includes cable)

Communication Software
for Windows …...…………………………130086

Charger Lead for 12V Car
Cig Lighter Socket….……………………130046

Solar Panel……….………………………..130012


6V NiMH Battery……………………….130038
RS232 Interface Cable………………..130041


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