Total magnifications .............40X-1600X
Eyepiece .........................WF10X
Achromatic objectives ............4/0.10 10/0.25 40/0.65
................................. 100/1.25(Oil)
Condenser ........................NA1.25
Coaxial coarse and fine focusing adjustment knobs
.....Built in 6V 20W halogen bulb with adjustable brightness

Optional accessories
1) Eyepieces .....................WF16X WF10X (article)
2) Photo eyepiece ................S2.5X S4X 6.3X
3) S-Plan achromatic objectives
................................. 4/0.10 10/0.25 40/0.65 100/1.25(Oil)
4) Plan achromatic objectives
................................. 4/0.10 10/0.25 25/0.4 40/0.65 100/1.25(Oil)
5) Dark field attachment..........Dark field condenser
6) Simple polarizer attachment ...Polarizer slide
..................................Analyzer slide
7) Phase contrast attachment
8) 35mm photo attachment
9) C-Mount and CCD camera



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